Healing Testimonies

Helen says, "I came to the Healing Rooms for prayer for something I had been struggling with for probably 20 or more years. I had sought the Lord many times for relief and had all sorts of prayer from various ministries over the years. It was a huge burden or weight of grief that I carried around (almost like it was strapped to my back) and I was always downcast, sad, crying and grief stricken. So, when I came for prayer, I really didn’t think it was going to be lifted in an instant. When I left the building after prayer, I still didn’t realize it had gone, since I had had so many others pray for me in the past. It took me a whole week to be able to believe I was at last free of this terrible grief. I thank the Lord for His goodness and the faithful ministers at the Healing Rooms."

Kathleen says, Ï came to the Healing Rooms one Tuesday night. The next morning I was due to have an ultra sound as my doctor had found a large cyst on my left ovary that was causing me some discomfort. She said she would refer me to a specialist as I might need to be tested for cancer. When I was prayed over I felt my whole body tingling and the team told me that the cyst would be gone when I went for my scan.
At my appointment the next morning the cyst had completely disappeared. My doctor could not explain it. Thank You, God!"

Marilyn says, "Praise God for His healing. I have been suffering from major depression and anxiety for the past 18 months. I thank God and the faithful prayers of those at the Healing Rooms to get me through this rough patch of my life. I thank my God for the lessons I have learnt in the hard places. Thank you Healing Rooms team for your love and support and for hanging in there with me through this season."
Marilyn is completely healed.

Margo says, "A friend told me about the Healing Rooms ministry because I was full of bitterness, suffering with arthritis and growing weaker. I was in a deep, black hole in my life and spiraling down. I didn’t hold much hope that the Healing Rooms could help me but, after spending time there, I was able to forgive the people who had done wrong in my life and let go of bitterness, aggression, anger and witchcraft, through Jesus.
Believe me, I was instantly healed! My pain, stiffness, depression and arthritis is gone. Jesus worked a miracle through the 3 beautiful servants who prayed for me in the Healing Rooms. I will never forget this amazing day."

Owen says, "My wife and I had healing prayer in early September for us to fall pregnant. We had been trying for 5 months without success. The team laid hands on us and prayed. Then, during the first week of October, we found out that we were 5 weeks pregnant. Praise God! He answered our prayers."

Jillian says, "I came to the Healing Rooms 18 months ago with M.S., liver disfunction (I was on the transplant list at the hospital), and depression etc. I was on numerous medications including high doses of morphine. I was in and out of a wheelchair or using crutches to get around. The medication was having severe side effects on my kidneys and bowel.
I came several times for prayer over a 12 month period and God totally healed and restored me. I am now moving in full time ministry. Hallelujah! Praise God for His goodness."

Healing from severe and debilitating pain.

Ben, 14 years old.

Ben’s mother brought him into the Brisbane Healing Rooms, Australia one Tuesday evening in 2004. Ben had fallen badly during a soccer match the previous year and had hit the back of his head on the hard ground. Ever since he had been suffering pain in his neck, shoulders and spine to varying degrees despite the treatment of strong pain relief from a number of different doctors and specialists.

By the time he came to the Healing Rooms Ben was in terrible pain; having to be bolstered with pillows whenever he sat or went in the car; taking many hot showers each day; constantly moving his neck and shoulders, trying to get a more comfortable position; and taking 8 very strong pain killers daily. He had not been able to attend school for 5 months and the family dynamics had changed greatly to accommodate his condition.

Ben had ministry at the Rooms 7 times. Each time he was greatly encouraged and experienced a measure of healing. There were some things he needed to deal with in his life which were highlighted during the ministry times. His relationship with Jesus began to deepen as he read the Word and prayed more. After the 7th session Ben decided to take a step of faith and reduce his medication. Then he decided to sit with the pillows and stop taking all those hot showers. He found he didn’t need them anymore and stopped all his medication. He was totally healed!

He was able to return to school and participate in all the usual activities including physical education classes, music and soccer.

Ben did the HR Training Course when he was 16 and worked with the BHRA team for 2 years, praying for many children and teenagers and seeing amazing results. He is now a married man in his twenties and has never had a revisitation of that terrible pain since.

Thank You, Jesus!

Healing from mental illness.

A young woman came into the Rooms suffering with mental illness. She was a School teacher and unable to work due to the nature of her illness. She had been prescribed a medication that had, as one of its side effects, the ability to cause deformities in babies in the womb. She was told she would need to be on this medication for the rest of her life. She hated taking it and was wanting to get married and have children in the future.

The Healing Rooms team prayed believing that God would do a miracle in her life.

She didn’t come back for further prayer and we heard nothing from her for 3 years when she approached the Directors at a Training Course in a city 2 hours drive away.

She reported that she had been totally healed and no longer needed medication of any kind. She was back teaching School full time and looking forward to a bright future.

She gives God all the glory.

Healing Testimonies

My son was mixing with the wrong crowd during his apprenticeship training, not only smoking and drinking, but also taking drugs. His personality gradually changed and he became aggressive, destructive, dirty, and hearing and seeing things. There were years of heartache. I cried to the Lord and kept going to the Healing Rooms for prayer. Each time I went I wrote down what was prayed over. I kept claiming the Word of God and His promises. Eventually there was a breakthrough. My son was invited by his dad to go to England with him in 2016 and he went, detaching from that group. Now he has a job and is doing well. He is clean and has grown up.
I was very unwell after an abusive relationship and ended up being diagnosed with schizophrenia, after seeking to become a Hindu nun. When I came to Australia from India, I created a character that wasn’t me. Recently, at the Healing Rooms, the team who prayed from me discerned this. They told me that the Lord had tried to support me and that creating this character was my way to survive. However I didn’t need that character anymore. I have been a regular at the Healing Rooms and that has changed my life. I am free of the guilt, in Jesus’ name.
In Kyung
Oct 2020
I attended the Brisbane Healing Rooms in October 2020. When my name was called and I sat down in the prayer room, I was told that God was going to give me a physical healing that night. I had slipped a disc in my back in 2014 when I was slammed into a door by a patient who was psychotic in an inpatient unit of the hospital. My healing is incredible because God already knew what I needed. The prayer team prayed over my back and over the cause of the injury. Within 24 hours my back was completely healed. No more pain. God healed my back. Thank you.
Oct 2020
I was invited to the Healing Rooms by two of the team members and, although I was very sick after strong sessions of chemotherapy, I went. I was able to sit in on the praise and worship the team have before ministering to clients. During that time I received a word from one of the team, “Resurrection Life”. They blessed me and continued to pray for me. Later I had a CT scan and there was no more cancer. Praise the Lord. The doctor’s stopped the treatment as my body was quite weak. God bless you all.
God’s provision of a house the same week I received prayer at the Healing Rooms. Also, my son was given a second chance by the Judge, and no charge was laid against him. Praise God.
Nov 2020
After coming to the Healing Rooms, I now truly believe in God. I feel much happier and more confident. I believe, since I have been baptised here, that I have been receiving some beautiful holy messages to continue fighting and to stay strong.
Dec 2020

Healing Testimonies from a Training Day

Anita reported that her knees and tendons had been very swollen and painful for several weeks due to the heat. They team prayed 3 times for her and there was healing. They no longer hurt, even when standing. Trevor said that he had had a crook back all week but it was all good after prayer. Naomi said that she was hearing annoying voices in her head as she sat in the meeting. She couldn’t breathe properly. However, when she started to praise God, she experienced joy and freedom. Deborah’s shoulder was very tight and painful. After prayer she could lift it up and move it around, which she was unable to do previously. It also stopped hurting.

Jessica had a sore wrist. She received a word of knowledge, felt warmth in her wrist, and then the pain was gone. Rod’s knees were prayed for. He couldn’t bend them before but, after the prayer, he could. Donna always suffered with bad migraines. She arrived at the Training Course with a severe one. While sitting meditating on Jesus, she felt warmth on her neck, and her headache was gone. Suzette suffered with constant pain in her back, headaches and a weight on her shoulders from a terrible car accident. All that left after prayer.

David felt healed from rejection and abandonment from being given away as a baby and from his mother attempting to abort him. Marnie broke her shoulder and her arm last year and was in constant pain. She was totally healed after receiving prayer. Mike has arthritis in his thumb. After prayer he no longer has it. Robert had a sore back from two and a half weeks ago when he lifted a lawn mower. With prayer he was healed and could twist and bend over to touch his toes without feeling pain.