About Us
The Brisbane Healing Rooms is made of a group of Holy Spirit filled, Bible believing, followers of Jesus who co labour with Him to see the sick healed, the captives set free and the lost saved in His Name. The ministry team come from many different denominations and churches across Brisbane and minister together in unity. They rely completely on the leading of Holy Spirit as to how to be His hands and feet here on earth. The Brisbane Healing Rooms ministry is all about welcoming the presence of God to minister to each person. It is about the love of Jesus and about His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven.
The Healing Rooms ministry is a donation based ministry, not supported by any church or other ministry. Everyone who serves in this ministry (including the Directors) are volunteers.
John and Merilyn Edwards are the Directors of the Brisbane Healing Rooms and are also Healing Rooms Australia’s State Directors for Queensland. Barry and Lynette Howes are Co- Directors.
John, Merilyn, Barry and Lynette have been respected leaders in the local body of Christ for over thirty years. Their strong belief in the Word of God and in His healing power has lead them into the ministry of praying for the sick with the laying on of hands for many years. After being called by God they participated in further training in this ministry under the International Director for Healing Rooms, Rev. Cal Pierce, in Spokane, USA in 2002, and returned to Australia to set up the Healing Room ministry in Brisbane, in March of 2003.
The Director”s vision and deep desire is to see God’s power for healing explode into the body of Christ and for God’s people to walk in Kingdom authority. They want to see a Healing Room established in every city of Australia and in every city in the world.
Kingdom authority must not be in words only, but in power. (1Corinthians 4:20) This power will cause signs and wonders to accompany the believer and he will lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover. (Mark16:17)